Prison State

“Prison State” was a project done for my Advertising Photography class. The assignment was to pick a political or social issue and to create a unified series of photos bringing awareness to it. I chose the disgraceful and long standing problem of over incarceration and prison conditions in the United States. I chose to explore this by having an almost ghost like figure standing in front of various jails and prisons through Los Angeles County with a simple board showcasing the facts of the huge problem in the “land of the free”

4-Photo1-25% copy.jpg
5-Photo2_2.4million copy.jpg
6-Photo3_$80billion copy.jpg
8-Photo5_12people copy.jpg
9-Berto_TerminalIsland2 copy.jpg
10-TerminalIslandPrison1 copy.jpg
11-Berto_TerminalIsland3 copy.jpg